ISSN (Print): 1999-9666
ISSN (online): 2075-423X

Aim & Scope

International Journal for Agro Veterinary and Medical Sciences (IJAVMS) is a multidisciplinary, international peer-reviewed open access Journal for agriculture, livestock, poultry, veterinary and medical sciences with aim to publish quality and original research articles with rapid review process. Besides original unpublished manuscripts, we welcome reports of new techniques, case studies, workshop proceedings, meetings, book reviews, letter to the editor. IJAVMS particularly encourages the research in the overlapping prospective areas with special focus on One Health. IJAVMS will support the scientific organizations of developing and under developed countries in publishing their conference proceedings as supplement issue.

  1. ISSN (online): 2075-423X   
  2. ISSN (print): 1999-9666