ISSN (Print): 1999-9666
ISSN (online): 2075-423X

Therapeutic management of Heat stroke in HF cross bred cows

Rakesh Jagdish Bhai Bhojani*, Anju Chahar, Vikram Singh Dewal, Kapil Pravin Bhai Parmar, Anil Kumar Limba, Sanjay Kumar Meena, Mukesh Kumar Meena

Department of epidemiology and preventive veterinary medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, RAJUVAS Bikaner. Head of dept. Department of epidemiology and preventive veterinary medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, RAJUVAS Bikaner. Department of epidemiology and preventive veterinary medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, RAJUVAS Bikaner. Department of veterinary parasitology, College of veterinary and animal science, RAJUVAS Bikaner . Department of animal nutrition, College of veterinary and animal science, RAJUVAS Bikaner . Department of clinical veterinary medicine, College of veterinary and animal science, RAJUVAS Bikaner Department of gynecology, College of veterinary and animal science, RAJUVAS Bikaner

*Corresponding Author: Rakesh Jagdish Bhai Bhojani ( Mobile: 91 9510417961

Abstract :

The aim of the study was to find out the manage mental cooling therapy in clinical cases of heat stroke in HF cross bred cows which caused due to high ambient temperature and humidity. Eight HF cross bred cows with history of heat exposed to more than 30 minute were selected for the study. Although with normal vital sign, clinical examination of rises rectal temperature and high respiratory rate. The clinical cases were diagnosed as heat stroke and were treated successfully with corticosteroids, antibiotic, cooling and fluid therapy and vitamin B-complex injection. Key words: Clinical sign, cooling therapy, dairy cow, heat stroke.